Comedy = Tragedy + A Few Weeks
Here’s some morbid humor for you. An article in this week’s Onion: Anna Nicole Smith Finally Reaches Target Weight:
“She can’t be healthy,” Miami-based dietitian Pam Archer said. “From what I understand, her current appearance is, frankly, frightening. Even though she’s reached her target, her weight is continuing to drop at an alarming pace. Pretty soon she’ll be nothing but skin and bones.”
Satire is supposed to make you think, right? This made me think about how much energy we can spend obsessing and obsessing about weight, when really life is short; we should be out living it. I did lots of things I did after I lost weight that I would have been afraid to do before—rode on the back of a motorcycle, rode on a zip line, wore a tank top. And there was no reason I couldn’t have done any of it before. It was fear that was holding me back. I guess Joy Nash already said it last week: don’t put your life on hold. But reading this Onion article, I was reminded of it all over again.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Anna Nicole Smith, Celebrities, Humor
You are absolutely right. There is nothing satirical in that. It’s down right cowardly mean-spirited. Satire requires personal risk and social perspective. For some good satire, check out my blog (yes, satire can also involve shameless plugging) – “Necessary Therapy”.
Um, Pistol Pete, I think you misunderstood.
I think Pistol Pete searched for the word “satire” in an effort to promote his blog, and kind of missed the mark.