Make that a Venti Frap Extra Whip
I love Kelly Osbourne, ok? You should know that right now. I out and out love her. I don’t even know why, but I just do. I even own her album and will defend her single “One Word” until I am hoarse. But this? This is exactly why women have issues with food. How dare a girl enjoy something with calories in it! Doesn’t Kelly know that the only thing a fat girl is allowed to consume in public is celery and spring water? If she’s been extra good, then maybe she can have a twist of lime!
Things like this make me want to go to Hollywood, park myself in front of starving starlets and really fucking dig into a hot fudge sundae.
Posted by Weetabix
Filed under: Celebrities, Fatism, Kelly Osbourne
Except, Kelly’s not even really “fat”! Sure, she’s curvy, or a little plump. She has a cute figure most of the time I see her (though the attached picture, I admit, isn’t very flattering). The only place she’d be considered fat is Hollywood. Most normal people need to eat a few calories a day to keep “normal” looking bodies like hers running properly.
Instead of sundaes, I’m thinking I’d do cupcakes. Lots of chocolatey cupcakes.
Funny how the ass hat who wrote that story on D-listed does not mention that 1. Kelly is with a hot guy, so obviously that shape she is maintaining with her frappuccinos is working for her (and him!), and 2., Kelly is smiling and happy, so who gives a flying fuck? Jeez. People kill me.
It also kills me that so many of the stick girl’s boyfriends hit on us big girls when their GFs are not around, but would not ever be seen publicily with said big girls. More ass hats. If you ain’t parading me around like you just won the girly lottery, then you ain’t getting no taste of this hottie yum yum!
Okay, I’ll get off my soap box now. Time to go get a frappucino, anyway. Extra whip. Definitely. Gotta maintain this voluptuous form of mine!
What may make it easier to shrug off, Mo, is the level of discourse.
One commenter refers to La Osbourne as perhaps needing a TRO attached to her leg (e.g., “wearing STALKINGS”, as opposed to “wearing STOCKINGS”).
Another refers to her fellow commenters as Greek philosophers (everyone knows it’s Romans and Tudors that are in right now; really, people) — speaking of them as HIPPOCRATES, as opposed to HYPOCRITES.
I assure you, they will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
In the meantime, enjoy your Starbucks.
I love kelly, I’m a huge fan of hers, and I hate it when people keep pointing out her weight. And I hope to God she never reads those stupid posts saying she fat, or a brat, or whatever else, because it’s just not true. oh, and i loved the album ‘sleeping in the nothing’, i still listen to it all the time.
This comment about Kelly’s drink makes me sick. When I was very overweight I would worry about what people saw me eating (i.e they would see my fries and think “she shouldn’t be eating that’) so instead I would “behave” in public and binge at home. This kind of comment is so damaging to everyone. I got over some of my binging by learning better self-talk, like “No one cares what I’m eating”. But then sites like this one totally negate the validity of that statement! Oh, I could go on and on… I’ll stop so that I don’t rant too much more!
A few years ago Kelly said that when designers/manufacturers send her free clothes, for a little free publicity, they almost always sent sizes that were way too big for her. That, along with the assinine dlisted post, show the disconnect between actual size/weight and public perception of same. (It’s like a few years ago, when Oprah had to clarify that she wore a Calvin Klein size medium warm-up suit, because some people were still opining that she needed to lose more weight.) I wonder how many dlisted commenters would not be able to fit in Kelly’s clothes?
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